☆☆Ma go est un bigorneau ?!?☆☆


☆☆Ma go est un bigorneau ?!?☆☆


尺寸18×28 cm


remixed comics, drawings, collages, texts, found materials –

1 Alone with my abalone comic by Hardeep Pandhal, remixed and colored by Leomi Sadler, translated in FRENCH by Bouzrfj Dcsdkcvjqex


+ 1 GERMAN 😂Rigoletto🤣 fantasy comic by Leomi Strodachs-Sadler

+ 2 portraits of HaRdEEP pAnDHAl next to a drying rack

+ 2 small drawings by Stefan Strodachs-Sadler

+ various text in ENGLISH for the American audience

+ Brown Black Blue Sea comic remix by LEOMI CHALEUR

+ …simple sparks of beauty

+ bLOOD mOUTAIN by Hardeep Tolkien-Pandhal

+ random stuff

+ things

+ commercials

++++ etsetera etsetera.

✩‧₊˚♡₊‧ ✩ *Les Lilas / Blessure Magazine✩‧₊˚♡₊‧ ✩ *




☞☞以下是我們對LES LILAS的提問☞☞

1.LES LILAS出版單位是怎樣開始的?

Michael Jackson一樣 我創建了這個策展平台 目的是傳播可以改變世界的和平信息✩✩

通過書籍或任何其他來源傳播作品 我花時間確認最強烈的創意存在  然後我被允許與他們對話 因此 變得非常美麗 平靜和聰明

接下來就ABLOUBLOU prout prout *fart *fart *fart (OOO: ✩✩


首先 工作太多直到我感到悲傷和便秘 就算吃健康的食物 而且還做極限運動 在家裡

第二 不限制任何特定的文化、意識形態、世代、審美、社區:]

關於藝術家的選擇以及發行策略 溫柔的將我的價值觀設定在社會進步和與世界的複雜性接觸

根據我可以通過工作接觸到的人的多樣性所顯示的經驗 所以 你的問題的答案是肯定的  我們將拯救蓋亞✩✩


3.Tom Lebaron-Khérif 的一本關於耶穌生平的長篇漫畫書

Jonas Delaborde 拍攝的關於Jonas Delaborde)生平的野生動物紀錄片✩✩

Mariaka FrossardColin Macfadyen為主題的主題公園(lol🤣

Margot FerrickElliot Dadat Ben Stiller 設計的約會模擬視頻遊戲 你可以在其中漫遊 

透過窗戶看著人們然後哭泣  免執照汽車、海豚館、Stradivarius Leomi Top Cheffe Sadler 設計的蹦床公園 Instagram 上展示我的巨乳✩✩

1.How your publishing unit got started?
1_Like Michael Jackson, I created this curatorial platform with the goal of spreading a message of peace that could change the world.
I also figured that, by disseminating the work – via books or any other from – of the most intense creative presences I’ve took the time to identify, I would then be allowed to dialogue with them; and thus, become very beautiful, calm, and intelligent.
And then ABLOUBLOU prout prout *fart *fart *fart (OOO:

2.What are the principles and preferences for editing your own books and publishing them?
2_First, work too much until I get sad and constipated : ‘ / also eat healthy food. And also do extreme sports. At home
Two, no restriction to any specific culture, ideology, generation, aesthetic, community : ] regarding the selection of the artists as well as the distribution strategy. Being gentle feels to be about setting my values on social progress &&&&&& being in touch with the complexity of the world, according to the experiences displayed by the diversity of people I can get in touch with through work. So, the answer to your question is yes.
We WILL save Gaïa.

3.What’s planned in the near future?
3_A long comic book by Tom Lebaron-Khérif about the life of Jesus; a wildlife documentary by Jonas Delaborde about the life of Jonas Delaborde; a theme park on the theme of a theme park (lol🤣) featuring Mariaka Frossard and Colin Macfadyen; a dating sim videogame by Margot Ferrick, Elliot Dadat, Ben Stiller in which you wander in the night, look at people through the window and cry; a licence-free car, a dolphinarium, a Stradivarius, and a trampoline park designed by Leomi Top Cheffe Sadler; showing my huge boobs on Instagram.